About Me...
Brad McKoy

Brad and his wife Adriane live out of a heart to see generations transformed by love. They have been married for 18 years and treasure their 10 year old daughter, Abigail. After spending over a decade pastoring and church planting, in 2009 the McKoy’s moved to Grove City, PA to pioneer the Antioch Overflow Experiment (AOX), a simple church community whose mission is to disciple, equip and release sons and daughters of the King to transform every sphere of society for the Glory of God.
Brad enjoys coffee and creativity and can regularly be found at local shops discussing and developing new ideas with friends. An entrepreneur at heart, Brad loves coaching and helping launch young leaders into business. Together with a small team of entrepreneurs, Brad operates a small branding and marketing consulting company that focuses on providing real world solutions for locally owned businesses.

Meet My Family
Sharing life with my amazing wife Adriane and our sweet Abigail is one of God’s greatest acts of kindness to me. We love following Jesus together as a family! In fact it is one of our greatest passions is to demonstrate how God designed to mission overflow from family.
Hear About Our Journey
Our Church
One of the greatest honors of my life is to be a part of a passionate family of Jesus followers that have committed to journey together. In 2011, together with a handful of friends, Adriane and I planted the Antioch Overflow Experiment in Grove City, PA.
Learn More About AOX
Check Out My Book
My life was transformed when I moved beyond what I learned in ministry and started following the actual life of Jesus. Culture of the Few points readers to discover what it was about theHis life that allowed His followers to turn the world upside down.
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