FOCUS Day One | Hebrews 12:1-2
DAY ONE | Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
When I was growing up, Hebrews 11 was one of my favorite parts of the Bible. My pastor called it the “Hall of Faith” because of all of the amazing exploits that are mentioned in the chapter. I loved the passage, as it felt like a highlight reel of some of my favorite stories that I had grown up hearing about. It wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I began to understand the beautiful connection between those incredible stories and the simple, but powerful invitation found in the first two verses of the next chapter.
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…
Those stories about the heroes of the faith that had seemed better than fairy tales when I was a child, were actually a part of a clear call to action that was speaking to me. I had grown up Christian, knowing the stories, memorizing Scriptures and attending church every time that the doors were open. I had been born again, baptized with water and read my Bible and prayed before bed at night. I had memorized the list of all of the words that Christians should never say, and was up to date on the right worldview on all of the social issues.
But as I was read Hebrews 12:1-2 as a young adult, I was beginning to realize that in some ways, I had been missing the point. These verses were calling out to me in a way that cut through all of my ideas of what it meant to be a good Christian. They were inviting me to focus my eyes on Jesus so I could know how to run the race that was set before me. I know that this is a simple thought, and probably obvious to everyone else on the planet, but somehow I had missed that the point of Christianity was to point me to the life of Christ.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved Jesus and really appreciated that He gave His life for me, to forgive my sins and save me from eternal death in hell. I had even “gone into the ministry” because I knew the importance of sharing the gospel with those who had not heard it, but the thought of actually trying to learn very much from the life of Jesus just didn’t seem very accessible or realistic. After all, He was sinless, perfect and walked on water. He lived an impossible life that felt so far away from anything that I could imagine.
As these verses resounded in my heart, I could see that I had been following Christianity instead of Christ. “Following Jesus” was more a term that I used to describe trying to live by godly principles than it was about looking at His life. But here, right after one of my favorite passages were the words inviting me get rid of the things that were weighing me down, get untangled from the sins that were tripping me up, and to turn my eyes on Jesus.
Over the years, the Holy Spirit has continue to call my heart back to the simplicity of these verses, reminding me to fix my eyes on the One who was the author and finisher of my faith journey. In my own life, this has delivered me from the pressure to build a great ministry or to make something of myself. My job is to look at the life of Jesus and simply follow Him.
As my wife and I have tried to do this as a lifestyle, we have learned to invite other people into that journey with us. Sometimes our journey has led us to make choices that haven’t made sense to us or to those around us, but He has always been faithful. While we are still learning with every step, there is one thing that I have become increasingly confident in: There is no better place for me to focus my life or point others to than the actual life of Jesus.
Over the next fifty days, it is my prayer that the eyes of your understanding would see the beauty of the One, Jesus. That as we read about His words, actions and attitudes, that you would see Him more clearly – and that as you see Him, you will discover more of who you were created to be.
Examine – How would you describe what this passage reveals about the life of Jesus?
MindShift – Is there anything about what you read in this passage that challenges the way you think about what it means to follow Jesus?
Prayer Focus – Is there any prayer that you can pray to co-operate with Holy Spirit to see your mind renewed to become more like Jesus?